Code quality tool PHP_CodeSniffer has a new maintainer but needs corporate support

In a recent shift of maintainership, Juliette Reinders Folmer has taken the helm of the PHP_CodeSniffer project, injecting fresh energy and vision into its development. This transition marks a pivotal moment, emphasizing the importance of community support, particularly from corporate entities. As a vital tool for maintaining code quality and standards in the PHP ecosystem, PHP_CodeSniffer’s sustainability now hinges on active corporate sponsorship. Companies are urged to participate in this call to action by signing up for sponsorship through the project’s Open Collective page, ensuring the continued evolution and effectiveness of this essential tool.

Monitoring Errors Across Multiple Stacks with Sentry

Introduction In the world of software, there’s a famous saying: “If you haven’t experienced an error, you haven’t written any code”. As our apps grow, so do their complexities and potential error points. This is where Sentry comes into play, an open-source error tracking tool that integrates with a variety of platforms. In this blog […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Using PHPCompatibility in Your Project

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Introduction PHPCompatibility is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that checks your code for cross-version compatibility. It can help you ensure your code runs smoothly across various versions of PHP, making it an invaluable tool for any PHP developer. This guide will walk you through how to install and use PHPCompatibility in your project.   Resulting […]

Helping schools and daycares get through Corona with a free tool

Developer desk published a free tool to help schools and daycares get through the difficult Corona times by easing their administrative burden when they have to partially or completely close due to Corona infections. We’ll share the URL before explaining what it’s all about below : With Corona wave number 4 arriving throughout the world […]

Detecting if an IP address is in a certain range in PHP


Here is another trick that can make your job easier!   If you ever need to detect whether an IP address (let’s say is inside a certain IP range/subnet (let’s say, you can use the following function in PHP : /** * Check IPv4 address is within a range * * @param string […]